County News
Autauga County, Prattville Chamber to Host Groundbreaking at the Interstate Business Park- Tuesday, September 13th at Noon |
9/9/2022 |
Autauga County,Prattville Chamber to Host Groundbreaking at the Interstate Business Park AUTAUGA COUNTY, Ala. – The Autauga County IndustrialDevelopment Board, the Autauga County Commission and the Prattville AreaChamber of Commerce invite you to attend a groundbreaking ceremony for thecommercial and retail development at the Interstate Business Park. Please join us as we break ground for this highlyanticipated project in the fast-growing Pine Level/Marbury area of AutaugaCounty. Once completed, this development will allow our residents to accessgoods and services closer to home. Come join this celebration highlighting theeconomic growth and development of Autauga County.
Additional information about commercial lots will beavailable at the groundbreaking. River Bank & Trust will also be firing upthe grill for a quick and delicious lunch. To inquire on available lots,please contact Jake Whaley, CCIM, Vice President, AllSouth Corporation, 334.358.0047or For all other questions, please contact Kristi G.Pieper, Autauga County Economic Development Director, 334.391.1710 or
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