County News
Autauga Education Foundation Accepting Grant Applications through October 15, 2022 |
9/1/2022 |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 1, 2022 PRATTVILLE, Ala. – The Autauga Education Foundation is now accepting grantapplications from employees of the Autauga County District School System. Thegrant cycle begins today, September 1, and closes on October 15, 2022. Fundswill be awarded in January of 2023. All applications must be submitted through and include a letter ofendorsement with a signature from a principal or director. In March of 2022, AEF awarded thirteen grants –totaling more than $21,000. AEF is a separate and independent organizationthat works with the Autauga County School System. Since the Foundation’sestablishment, more than $440,000 has been granted to teachers in AutaugaCounty Schools to enhance educational programs and student experiencesthroughout the Autauga County. The mission of AEF is to provide sustainableresources and build community support to ensure academic excellence and strongcharacter development in Autauga County Schools. For more information, please contact PrattvilleChamber Marketing and Communications Director Allison Powell at 334.365.7392 orat |
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