County News
Central Alabama Community College and the Alabama Career Center Partner to Open New Center on Prattville Campus |
7/7/2022 |
ForImmediate Release Autauga County, AL-JeffLynn, president of Central Alabama Community College and Fitzgerald Washington,Secretary of the Alabama Department of Labor announced they will be partneringto open a new Career Center on the Prattville campus of CACC. ThePrattville Career Center, located at 1320 Old Ridge Road in Prattville, will beopen beginning in August. Services for jobseekers range from résumé assistance,interview preparation, educational and vocational training, and more. Qualifiedapplicants can receive assistance in obtaining a two-year degree, a four-yeardegree, or multiple types of professional certifications. Trained Career Centerstaff provide one-on-one job search services. All services are free to thepublic. “Weare excited to have this new career center here on our Prattville campus,” JeffLynn, president of CACC stated. “Weare committed to helping and serving the citizens in all the communities incentral Alabama. We have added so much to our Prattville campus in the last 6months, and this center will allow us to engage even more with the employers inthe region who need trained employees. We are very appreciative and honored topartner with the Alabama Department of Labor to provide these much-neededservices.” Employerscan take advantage of employee screening and dedicated interview space. Additionally, On-the-Job Training andApprenticeship programs are available, which provide for employer specifictraining along with wage credits of up to 50% of an employee’s salary. “Weare pleased to be able to partner with Central Alabama Community College tooffer these essential workforce services to the residents of Autauga County,”said Fitzgerald Washington, Secretary of the Alabama Department of Labor. “Providingresidents of the River Region with more options for training and job searcheswill be beneficial to entire region’s economy. The Alabama Community CollegeSystem has been a great partner with us in helping us connect employers withjobseekers statewide.” Central Alabama Community College is an open-accesspublic community college with a mission to promote “student success incomprehensive and diverse academic and career learning environments to advancequality of life through economic, community and workforce development.” TheCollege currently operates the Alexander City Campus, Childersburg Campus,Prattville Campus, and Talladega Center, offering resources and expertise,which address the educational and training needs of central Alabama. TheAlabama Career Center System is part of the Alabama Department of Labor’sEmployment Services Division. The ACCS operates 55 Career Centers throughoutthe state, touching all 67 counties. Career Centers provide free services forboth jobseekers and employers, including résumé and interview preparation services,educational and vocational training, along with workforce development servicesand wage assistance. A listing of CareerCenters is available at For further information please contact Brett Pritchard or256-215-4254. |
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