County News
Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition Hosts Champions of Character Event , Thursday, August 18, 2022 |
7/29/2022 |
The Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition,in partnership with the Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce, is excited to host theChampions of Character event from 6:00-8:00 P.M. at the RobertTrent Jones Clubhouse in Prattville. Presented by International Paper, thisevent will be honoring the 2022 Champion of Character, Dr. David Thrasher.Proceeds also support local teacher grants and scholarships. The purpose of the Champion of Character Award isto honor leaders that have displayed exemplary character. Dr. Thrasher is aMontgomery-based pulmonologist who displayed boldness, compassion, generosityand wisdom as he worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic. He hasbeen recognized by The Honorable Kay Ivey and many others for his leadership inusing monoclonal antibodies to treat patients battling COVID-19, saving thelives of thousands of Alabamians. To become a sponsor for this event, please visit pacharacter.orgor call 334.365.7392. The evening will feature a silent auction, dinnerand live music from Gypsy Cornbread. Tickets are now available for purchase.Individual tickets are $35. In honor of our healthcare workers, any healthcareemployee can purchase their ticket for only $30. The Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition, a501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2007, works to strengthen thecommunity by promoting excellence in character for each citizen. To accomplishthis, PACC highlights good character traits, provides educational resources,partners with character clubs, and recognizes those who have exemplifiedexcellent character in their daily lives to strengthen their homes, schools,neighborhoods, and communities. For more information, please contact PrattvilleChamber Marketing and Communications Director Allison Powell at 334.365.7392 orat |
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