County News
4/8/2022 |
Autauga County P.A.L.S. Spring Cleanup What: The Annual Bob Lee Spring Cleanup Where: Autauga County and Prattville Who: Autauga County P.A.L.S. and Community Partners When: April 23, 2022 Autauga County, AL- Spring is here! Autauga County P.A.L.S. in partnership with Autauga County Commission, City of Prattville, Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of County Commissions in Alabama are promoting a SPRING CLEANUP to clean up litter where we live, work, play and pray! Autauga County P.A.L.S. and their partners encourage residents to together to clean and beautify their neighborhoods, and our entire community during the 2022 THE ANNUAL BOB LEE SPRING CLEANUP on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022. Team Up to Clean Up! Churches, offices, businesses, schools, scouts, civic groups, organizations, families, and individuals can get bags to clean up by calling Autauga County P.A.L.S. for bags at 334-850-7153 or stopping by the Autauga County Commission, the Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce or Prattville City Hall. Volunteers can tie bagged litter and leave it in the Right-of-Way for pickup by city & county litter crews. ALL VOLUNTEERS SHOULD REPORT CLEANUPS TO ALABAMA PALS AT |
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