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Tag & Title Information
Tag & Title Information
- You must have Alabama insurance on your vehicle before it can be tagged.
- You must have a drivers license number or ID number when registering a vehicle.
- When transferring ownership on a title, the purchaser(s) must be here to sign the title application unless they give someone Power of Attorney for them.
- You must be a resident of Autauga County to have vehicles registered here.
- Anytime our office applies for a first time Alabama title on a vehicle, the vehicle will need to be here for inspection.
- You have 20 calendar days from the date of purchase to register your vehicle.
- If you do not renew your tag during your renewal month or if you are over your 20 days registering your vehicle, a $15.00 penalty will be added.
- We do not inspect vehicles after 3:30 or when it is raining.
- Alabama does not title watercraft.
- We accept the following methods of payment only: cash, check, and money orders. We do not accept out of state checks, unless you are an active member of the military.