County News
Renters With Tornado Damage Can Apply for FEMA Assistance |
1/26/2023 |
FEMA’s Individual Assistance program is available to students, renters and homeowners in Autauga County whose homes and property were damaged by the Jan. 12 severe storms, straight-line winds and tornadoes. Federal grants can help pay for temporary housing. The initial rental grant is for a one- or two-month period and can be reviewed for further assistance. The deadline to apply for FEMA assistance is March 16, 2023. Renters may also qualify for a grant under FEMA’s Other Needs Assistance program for uninsured essential personal property losses and other disaster-related expenses, including: · Replacement or repair of necessary personal property such as school supplies, including textbooks, and also furniture, appliances and clothing · Replacement or repair of tools and other job-related equipment required by those who are self-employed · Repair of primary and registered vehicles · Uninsured or out-of-pocket medical, dental, childcare, moving and storage expenses Renters and homeowners are required to submit copies of insurance settlements because, bylaw, FEMA is prohibited from duplicating or paying for expenses already available or covered by insurance or other sources. After applying for FEMA disaster assistance, those affected by the tornadoes may be referred to the U.S. Small Business Administration for disaster caused or related personal property losses and vehicles related damages. SBA is the largest source of federal disaster recovery funds for individuals, families, and businesses. To remaineligible for additional FEMA programs like Other Needs Assistance, those whoreceive an SBA loan application are encouraged to submit the application – evenif you decide not to accept the loan offer. To apply forFEMA Disaster Assistance: · Go to · Use the FEMA mobile app; or Learnmore at 2 · Call toll-free 800-621-3362. Thehelpline is open, and help is available from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time inmost languages. If you use video relay service (VRS), captioned telephoneservice or others, give FEMA the number for that service. Forinformation on Alabama’s disaster recovery, visit ### FEMA’s mission is helping peoplebefore, during, and after disasters. All FEMA disaster assistance will be providedwithout discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex (including sexualharassment), sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, disability,limited English proficiency, economic status. If you believe your civil rightsare being violated, you can call the Civil Rights Resource line at 833-285-7448 |
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