County News
Saturday, Jan. 28th, Volunteers Needed For Tornado Disaster Response |
1/22/2023 |
Autauga County Emergency ManagementAgency (EMA) is partnering with Hands-On River Region to schedule a volunteerresponse day to be held Saturday, Jan. 28th in Autauga County tohelp with the recovery process after the January 12th deadly tornadothat moved across our county leaving a path of destruction. WHEN: Saturday, January 28, 2023 TIME: 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM WHERE: Baptist Church Posey Crossroads, 579 County Road 40, Prattville AL The date, time and location may change as the AutaugaCounty EMA assesses current needs, weather, and safety conditions for volunteers. If you or your organization are interested in volunteering onSaturday, January 28th, or any future dates, please register at this link,so Hands On River Region can perform a tentative count of interested parties. All volunteers on Saturday, January 28th, MUST reportto the Autauga County Volunteer Resource Center located at the First BaptistChurch Posey Crossroads in Prattville before deploying in the community toprovide assistance in the disaster affected areas. Minors under the age of 15 are notpermitted to volunteer in disaster areas. Minors 15 and up must be accompaniedby an adult. Each minor child should be accompanied by an adult. What is a Volunteer Reception Center(VRC)? A VolunteerReception Center (VRC) provides a location for disaster volunteers togather, sign-in and gain training on how to work in disaster conditions, getsite assignments and deploy into affected areas following a disaster. |
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