County News
Official Disaster Relief Donation Drop-Off Location Established in Elmore County to Assist Autauga, Elmore and Coosa Counties |
1/15/2023 |
Due to the tremendous need and out pouring of support in our area, the Autauga County Commission and Autauga EMA have partnered with Elmore County to provide a Donation Drop-off Location to those in need due to the severe weather events in Autauga, Coosa and Elmore Counties. Phoenix Wetumpka Industrial Investors have a 200,000 Sq. Ft. warehouse located at 3145 Elmore Rd., Wetumpka, AL, available for donation drop off and storage. “Autauga County is thankful for our strong partnership with the Elmore County Commission and other leaders in the area, and the opportunity to partner together to utilize the donated space Phoenix Wetumpka Industrial Investors is providing to assist the residents in Autauga, Elmore and Coosa County. Their community support and strong partnerships are crucial as we continue working together to meet the needs of our residents and those in Elmore and Coosa who have lost so much during the tornado outbreak on January 12th”, stated Chairman Jay Thompson, Autauga County Commission. The Donation Drop- off Location will begin receiving donations Monday, January 16th, and will be in operation for the next several weeks, Monday through Saturday, 9 AM- 6 PM. Individuals wishing to provide donations should enter the facility at the gates guard house and indicate they are dropping off donations for the tornado victims. Should a donation be in a large quantity, please call the number below to schedule your donation so appropriate volunteer resources are in place to accept the donation. Questions related to the donation drop off location should contact 804-305-6471. Any item donated should be in NEW packaging when possible. We will NOT accept the following: Shoes Used clothing Used beds or bedding Expired food Chocolate Used appliances Used furniture Items to donate include: Socks of all sizes T-shirts of all sizes Underwear all sizes male and female Towels and washcloths Sheets and blankets Pillows and pillowcases Hairbrushes and combs Feminine hygiene items Bar soap Shower gel Lotion Disposable razors Shaving crème Q-tips Shampoo and conditioner Baby Diapers all sizes Baby wipes Lysol spray Household cleaning supplies Trash bags all sizes First-aid kits Batteries all sizes Work gloves all sizes Baggies all sizes Brooms, mops, dustpans Shovels Rakes Washing detergent or pods Fabric softener sheets Dish liquid Dishwasher pods Over the counter meds (not expired): Neosporin, band aids, Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, etc. Coolers Paper plates Styrofoam or plastic disposable cups Plasticware(forks, knives, spoons) Paper towels Toilet paper Non-Perishable food (not expired): Crackers(all kinds) Boxed macaroni and cheese Peanut butter Jelly Dry beans Rice Canned vegetables, fruits, and soups Spaghetti sauce in jar or can Pasta Salt and pepper Sugar Coffee Dry creamer Teabags Cookies(no chocolate) Poptarts Granola bars Gatorade all flavors Bottled water Points of distribution and operating hours will be announced soon. |
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